Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Agbala Do-o-O!

Here's my monologue. Its in Chielo, the priestess', point of view as she tries to figure out her standings in life; she must remain loyal to her god but at the same time, she has ideas to defy Agbala. Agbala in this case, refers to the Oracle.

In the midst of the nervous tension, I forgot to say some lines while presenting so please take that into consideration while reading it.

Agbala do-o-o! Agbala do-o-o!
I address you Agbala, as the priestess of the Oracle of the hills and the caves. Tell me of what is to come! Is Umuofia safe? What Agbala says must and will happen...lest they want to be struck with his anger. Great Agbala will protect Umuofia! Now .. what is to come oh great Agbala?....

There is no answer, he will not answer. I suppose Agbala does not want to tell me...or there is nothing to tell. I admit, I am scared. Agbala tells me things. I hear what others cannot hear, see what others cannot see...It is scary, I admit. For hours I lose conscience and track of time..this is when the spirit of Agbala is upon me. I end up back in the cave of Agbala but I am tired; drained!

For hours, I have no memories. Sometimes if I'm lucky, I get flashes of memories. Just flashes though, mere tid bits. Just last night, as I was prophesizing, I saw the face of my lovely daughter Ezinma. She was looking up at me with fearful eyes. She did not seem to recognize me.

Pray tell me, oh mighty Agbala, tell me that Umuofia will be safe...That those I cherish will live long and that my daughter Ezinma will stay.

...Sometimes I think, if Agbala prophesizes, can I prevent it? With these calloused hands, will I be able to change the future? Protecting my village from unwanted disasters? As the priestess, I cannot do this. I am bound by soul to this cave. This cave so dark and damp that men fear. I must keep strong...but these thoughts take over me just as Agbala does. It is not preventable and plagues my mind. I cannot change the future Agbala has set out. But still, fear lies in my heart; doubt of my ability too. But I must trust Agbala, for this is what my duty is. Be gone such thoughts! Foolish Cheilo...let me prophesize once more before I go to the market...the lively market where I can see Ekwefi...perhaps my lovely daughter Ezinma will also be there. I shall bring them my bean-cakes to enjoy...The market which shall bring me distractions from foolish thoughts...I shall go...Agbala, mighty Agbala, what is to come?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mo (:

    As mentioned by other people,I like how in your monologue, there are changes in who Chielo talks to, but the audience can easily tell when she switches.

